Friday, June 10, 2011

Season Opener

The next few days are going to be so jam packed full of events that I will not even have time to freak out about driving with the kids to Texas.  If I had time to think about it, I would be stressing over the fact that I will be stuck in a car with a two and four year old who are prone to hyperactivity and whining.  The also have a major case of the "when are we going to get theres," and that is just when we drive to the grocery store. So 16ish hours strapped in a car seat is going to be tough on everyone involved.  Thankful my sister, the amazing Aunt Kacey, will be accompanying me on the trip (Kevin has to work.  I guess someone has to make money around here).  We will bring lots of snacks, videos, coloring books, and maybe some benedryl (wink, wink).

We will set out Monday morning but we have a lot going on before the big departure.  Today there is a family reunion for my husband's side of the family.  Tomorrow is our niece Kati's wedding.  Sunday is a mini tri, church, a reception for a friend who is getting baptized, and more family reunion events.  Sprinkled through out will also be tasks like oil changes, packing, and preparing for the drive.  Yikes!!  I am stressed just mentioning everything!!  But I am so excited to see my brother, sister in law, and nephews that all the stress and the drive will be worth it.

I am also pretty excited about my first tri of the season, the Foothills Feat.  It a mini sprint and it will be a great way to start out the training season.  The swim is only 275m, the bike ride is 11 miles (but very, very hilly), and the run is 2.25 miles.  I haven't really trained that much, especially in the bike riding department, and I think the bike ride is where I will struggle.  Here are my goals:

Swim: under 7 min
Cycling: under 40?  the (steep) roads won't be closed and like I said I haven't been riding
Run: under 20 
Transitions: ???  I don't know how they will be set up so it is hard to say

I also need to remember that I will be at a wedding (without the kids) the night before the race. . .so we'll see how I do.  It will just be nice to get out there and have some fun with this race!

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