Monday, November 21, 2011


Thing that happened to my computer:

Things that caused that to happen to my computer:

Thing that came in the mail today:

Things that won't be allowed around my new computer:

Thing my daughter will probably be wearing when she is finally potty trained:

Things I have promised my daughter if she will poop on the potty:
Cars 2
A whole fleet of princess dresses
A pony

 Things at the gym I just started using (I like to refer to them as the "spread eagle twins"):
This one is for the saddle bags
This one is for the crotch biscuits
Thing you need to read if you have no idea what a crotch biscuit is:
Thing my daughter insisted on wearing to school the other day:
Thing that I get out of cooking every year because a) I am a vegetarian and b) I am a horrible cook:
For some reason nobody wants a Tofurkey dinner.
Thing I am in charge of cooking for Thanksgiving dinner:
Things I got to do at preschool last week:
Emerson's Thanksgiving Feast
Mason's Thanksgiving Feast
Thing you should not accidentally sit on because you will break it and that will make you feel pretty fat:
I guess I know what to put on my Christmas list because I don't think I can go back to actual books.
Thing I am ridiculously proud of:
My son just started reading today!  Honest to goodness, sounding out words, and comprehending the words he sounded out.  This is one of the most magically moments that I have experienced as a parent.  There have been great moments and milestones, but there is something about watching the wheels turn and seeing him figure out how to read that has been amazingly awesome to me.  Okay, I am done having my self indulgent parenting moment.
What things do you have going on?

Best parenting moment (furry parenting moments also allowed)?

Where will you be for Thanksgiving (we are staying home)?